
Monday 25 February 2013

Why is C standard library needed? 

C Standard Library:
C would have been a tough programming language in absence of the standard library.
The standard library in C includes header files and standard functions in these files.
Header files are collection of macros, types, functions and constants. Any program
that needs those functions has to include these header files. For example, the standard
library functions, included in “stdlib.h” header file, are used for number conversions,
storage allocation and other functions on the same line. These functions are called
utility functions. C does not have any built-in input/output statements as part of its
syntax. All I/O operations are carried out through function calls such as printf and
scanf. There are many functions that have become standard for I/O operations in C,
collectively known as standard I/O library “stdio.h”. Because of this standard inputoutput
header file, standard I/O functions can be used on many machines without any

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