
Monday 25 February 2013

Explain the difference between depth first and breadth first traversing techniques
of a graph. 

Depth-first search is different from Breadth-first search in the following ways:
A depth search traversal technique goes to the deepest level of the tree first and
then works up while a breadth-first search looks at all possible paths at the same
depth before it goes to a deeper level. When we come to a dead end in a depthfirst
search, we back up as little as possible. We try another route from a recent
vertex-the route on top of our stack. In a breadth-first search, we want to back
up as far as possible to find a route originating from the earliest vertices. So the
stack is not an appropriate structure for finding an early route because it keeps
track of things in the order opposite of their occurrence-the latest route is on
top. To keep track of things in the order in which they happened, we use a FIFO
queue. The route at the front of the queue is a route from an earlier vertex; the
route at the back of the queue is from a later vertex.

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