
Sunday 24 February 2013

270 Construct the heap showing the insertion of each of the following elements in separate
figures. 44, 30, 50, 22, 60; 50 

Heap : Suppose 'H' is a complete binary tree with 'n' elements. Then 'H' is called a Heap, as
a 'maxheap', if each node 'N' of 'H' has the following property:
The value at 'N' is greater than or equal to the value at each of the children of N. Accordingly,
the value at N is greater than or equal to the value at any of the descerdants of N.
Algorithm to insert an element in to the heap: Consider a heap 'H' with 'N' elements is stored
in the array TREE and an ITEM of information is given. This procedure inserts 'ITEM' as a new
element of 'H'.'PTR' gives the location of ITEM as it rises in the tree, and 'PAR' denotes the
location of the parent of 'ITEM'.

1. [ Add new node to 'H' and initialize PTR ] set N=N+1 and
2. [ Find location
to insert ITEM ]
Repeat steps 3 to 6
while PTR>1
3. set PAR= [PTR/2] (floor operation)
[Location of parent node] If ITEM<= TREE
[PAR] then step 4 else go to step 5.
4. set TREE
[PTR]=ITEM and
return End of If
5. set TREE [PTR]= TREE [PAR] [moves node down]
6 set PTR
=PAR//» updates
//» End of
step2 loop
7. //» Comments Assign
ITEM as the root of H] set
8. Return.

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